How to Flush Invega Out of Your System, and How Long It Takes?


Many prescription medications can become addictive over time, such as oxycodone, hydrocodone, and codeine. It turns out that some antipsychotic medications can also cause substance abuse disorders, including Invega. For this reason, how to flush Invega out of your system?

Let’s investigate the deeper insight by scrolling down through the discussion below!

Understanding What Invega Is

Invega (paliperidone) is a brand-name prescription medication. It has been approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to treat mental health disorders in adults, such as schizophrenia, schizoaffective, and bipolar disorder. It is often used for long-term treatment, especially in conditions of hallucinations, delusions, and disorganization.

Like other medicines, Invega also comes in other forms with different side effects. Other forms of this medicine are Invega Hafyera, Sustenna, and Trinza. Each type of Invega comes as a solution that’s given by healthcare professionals into an intramuscular injection.

Why You Should Comprehend How to Flush Invega Out of Your System?

Are you currently using Invega oral extended-release (ER) tablets or long-acting injections but want to switch treatments or are having adverse effects? Then, you should comprehend how to flush Invega out of your system by learning about Invega’s half-life, as follows. 

Invega Half-Life

Each form of Invega has a different half-life. In common, the tablets take 24 hours to eliminate half the medication. While the injections have a longer half-life, that is 24 to 49 days.

Even though this medication has been eliminated from your body, its neuroadaptive effects probably persist. These effects may prolong the pharmacological effects after the medication wears off. 

In addition, other factors may also influence the pharmacological effects. For example, diet patterns, other substance usage, and genetics. They affect the medication metabolism and clearance in your body.

Understanding the half-life of each type of Invega medication can help you and healthcare professionals manage the treatment and its side effects. Plus, determining the exact dose and overcoming the danger of side effects also requires half-life insight.

How To Flush Invega Out of Your System?

Invega withdrawal must be carried out in close and regular coordination by healthcare professionals. They will prescribe and adjust the dosage at intervals to ease withdrawal. Do not fret because there are five ways to detoxify your body from Invega, explained in the following list.

1. Reduce Invega Gradually

You should not quit Invega suddenly unless medically necessary. For example, when tardive dyskinesia symptoms emerge. Although it is a rare case, the condition could become permanent if Invega is not withdrawn immediately.

A report found that atypical neuroleptics, including paliperidone, show a tardive dyskinesia rate of 13.1 percent for long-term users.

Regardless of the case, you should carry out gradual tapering under the healthcare professionals’ supervision. Abruptly discontinuation of antipsychotics can worsen symptoms and lead to withdrawal.

2. Intermittent Dosage

The next way regarding how to flush Invega out of your system is intermittent dosage. This detox process refers to a gradual reduction of your Invega dose until the medication is completely withdrawn. Invega dosage depends on several factors, including:

  • the severity of your condition;
  • your age; and
  • other medical conditions you may have.

There are actually no recommended loading and withdrawal doses, but typically healthcare professionals will start with a low dose. Then, they will adjust the daily amount over time to reach the right amount or to stop completely. Symptom assessment and schedule modifications may be necessary depending on your response.

3. Change Invega to Other Medication Alternatives

At times, healthcare professionals may switch one antipsychotic, which is not working optimally, to another. To be sure, this change would be done in a clinical setting to ensure a smooth transition and appropriate care.

4. Drink Enough Water

Keeping yourself hydrated is the main key to how to flush Invega out of your system. Your body needs water to operate, so drinking enough water can help eliminate pollutants, especially Invega.

In other words, water gives your kidneys extra fluid to filter and remove waste from the circulation. This high filtration can remove Invega from your system. If you are one of those people who have difficulty drinking water consistently, try some of the methods below:

  • set a goal (for example, drink 8 to 10 glasses of water per day);
  • create reminders on your smartphone;
  • carry a water bottle wherever you go;
  • add fruit or herbs to make it more appetizing; and
  • replace sugar with healthier sweeteners (for example, honey).

5. Adopt a Healthy Lifestyle

The last way how to flush Invega out of your system is to maintain a healthy lifestyle. Most antipsychotic medications used cause obesity, diabetes, and metabolic syndrome. Therefore, a healthy lifestyle can reduce these effects and eradicate Invega more quickly.

Increasing metabolism and maintaining a healthy weight requires a balanced diet, regular exercise, and adequate sleep. Besides, you also need to monitor your glucose levels and limit excessive sugar. It’s better if you eat real food, not junk food or processed food.

Also, you have to exercise regularly. It doesn’t matter how many types of exercise you try or how long you exercise in a day. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), you have to move your body for at least an average of 60 minutes per day.

A study shows that exercise therapy significantly reduces schizophrenia symptoms. Exercise can play a major role in mitigating health problems resulting from pharmacological treatments, such as Invega. Exercise as an additional non-pharmacological treatment.

Last but not least, if you are still asking about how to flush Invega, the easiest answer is to get enough sleep. As a schizophrenic sufferer, patients may experience sleep disorders so they must apply the previous two methods. Then, they will get the best quality of sleep.

How Long Does It Take to Complete All the Steps in How to Flush Invega Out of Your System Above?

In conclusion, applying the method of how to flush Invega out of your system requires extra patience. One dose of Invega stays in your body for approximately 50 days. It means that this practice is way harder than you think. 

Correspondingly, note that withdrawal and detoxification are complex processes, as there are some health side effects. You should also discuss these processes with your healthcare professionals. Thus, they can provide you with advice on which form or treatment will best treat your condition.
