Can Spinal Stenosis Be Caused by A Car Accident? Unwrap It Now!

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Can spinal stenosis be caused by a car accident? The pain mentioned is often indicated through lower back pain. Also, a burning pain sensation when walking or standing that radiates from your buttocks to your feet. If you have had a car accident, you may wonder if the pain is caused by the accident. 

The spinal stenosis is a condition where the nerves or spinal cord are compressed. If you experience complaints as mentioned in the previous paragraph, don’t take them as trivial since they can have fatal consequences for your health. Be sure to stay in the loop so you get a comprehensive insight into spinal stenosis and its ins and outs.

What Is Spinal Stenosis?

The spine is segmented and has four parts, including cervical, thoracic, lumbar, and sacral. Stenosis is a part of the lumbar spine which is located in the lower back. The narrowing of the inside of the spinal column is called spinal stenosis.

Since the spinal cord contains the spinal cord and nerves, the narrowing will lead to compression of the cord and nerves. As a result, people who have spinal stenosis will feel pain in the lower back. Other symptoms are burning pain when walking or standing, numbness, neck pain, and tingling in the hands or feet.

Can Spinal Stenosis Be Caused by A Car Accident?

In point of fact, according to information on the Reich and Binstock page, car accidents do not cause spinal stenosis. However, accidents that cause spinal injury can worsen the condition of spinal stenosis.

If you have been experiencing spinal stenosis without symptoms, you may start to feel these symptoms as a result of an accident injury. Since some people who suffer from lumbar spinal stenosis do not feel the initial symptoms, they are not aware that they actually suffer from spinal stenosis.

As a result, symptoms such as those previously mentioned will appear after experiencing a traumatic accident.

In-Depth Exploration of Spinal Stenosis Causes

Can spinal stenosis be caused by a car accident? The answer is no, but a spinal injury resulting from an accident can worsen the symptoms of spinal stenosis, whether they are already felt or not yet felt. The Healthline page shares information on nine causes of lumbar spinal stenosis, as follows.

1. Spinal Injuries

Hard impacts can cause spinal injuries such as fractures of bone fragments. This condition can press on the nerves in the spine, causing pain. Pressure on the spine can also be caused by herniation in which the spinal discs slip.

2. Rheumatoid Arthritis

In addition to spinal injury, another factor that causes bone damage is rheumatoid arthritis. Chronic inflammation will cause bone spurs which can put pressure on the nerves and cord in the spine. Accordingly, you will feel symptoms of pain in the lower back.

3. Scoliosis

Since the question “Can spinal stenosis be caused by a car accident?” has been answered in the prior point, then another cause is scoliosis. Neurological disorders and genetic factors often cause an abnormally curved spine.

Given that the spine does not stand straight as it should, this abnormal curving can put pressure on the spinal cord or nerves. Hence, it leads to symptoms of spinal stenosis.

4. Spinal Tumors

Tumors developing in the spinal area can cause inflammation. In addition, tumors can change the condition of the surrounding bones. The growing size of the tumor will also put pressure on the nerves and spinal cord.

5. Congenital Spinal Stenosis

A naturally narrow spinal canal usually occurs due to congenital factors. Thus, babies born with congenital spinal stenosis will be more susceptible to experiencing symptoms of lower back pain, tingling of the hands and feet, or neck pain as they grow older.

6. Osteoarthritis

Although you have already gotten the answer to the question “Can spinal stenosis be caused by a car accident?”, you also need to find out other causes for proper treatment. Osteoarthritis is also often the cause of spinal stenosis problems.

Each spinal column has a joint cushion in the form of cartilage to absorb shock when the body moves. Osteoarthritis is a condition where the joint cushions are damaged so the spine develops bone spurs. These bone spurs can cause pain since they press on the nerves or spinal cord.

4 Risks Lurking Untreated Spinal Stenosis

You should not ignore the slightest health complaint since this condition can have fatal consequences if untreated. AICA Orthopedics shares four risks lurking if you ignore the symptoms of spinal stenosis in the following details. 

1. Disability

The reason why you should not ignore the symptoms of spinal stenosis is that it can cause permanent disability in severe conditions. Accordingly, permanent disability will require the sufferers to use a wheelchair for the rest of their lives because of the paralysis that makes them unable to stand.

2. Loss of Bowel and Bladder Control

The prior paragraph explanation no longer makes you wonder about the answer to the question “Can spinal stenosis be caused by a car accident?”, right?

Yet, untreated spinal stenosis will make the sufferers unable to control the bowel and bladder, also known as incontinence. Along the line, they will pass stool or urinate without realizing it.

3. Decreasing Activity

Since the narrowing of the spinal canal causes pain during activities, if you do not get the medical proper treatment it can reduce your activity and productivity. People suffering from the disease are uncomfortable doing activities such as walking, swimming, riding a bicycle, or activities that involve other physical movements.

4. Pain and Discomfort

Pain that comes and goes is a common symptom of spinal stenosis. However, the pain and discomfort will worsen over time. Since this pain radiates to other parts of the body, it will certainly make it difficult for you to live your life if you don’t get proper treatment immediately.

What Should I Do If a Car Accident Worsens My Spinal Stenosis?

Since you already grasp the firm answer to the question, “Can spinal stenosis be caused by a car accident?”, it does not mean that it has no effect at all. Rather, impacts due to car accidents can worsen the condition of people who have spinal stenosis. 

Therefore, if after an accident your health condition continues to worsen due to spinal stenosis, it is time for you to reach out to a personal injury lawyer. You can ask your lawyer to assist you in filing an accident claim that caused you to experience adverse health or permanent disability. 

The legal action allows you to get compensation for your well-being and financial losses due to not being able to work.
