FWD Life Insurance Company Bermuda Limited – Best Products to Choose – Breaking News

Many people are not aware of the importance of having life insurance. The reason is because life is full of mysteries and we don’t know what will happen in our next life. However, we can prepare it with FWD Life Insurance Company Bermuda Limited. Life insurance is not only for you but also for the future of your family members.

Overview of FWD Insurance Company

FWD is an insurance company from Hong Kong that was established in 2013. This insurance company is growing rapidly and has become a multinational company. FWD Insurance offers many protection services, such as life insurance, health insurance, personal accident insurance, and investments.

The company is spread across some Southeast Asian countries such as Indonesia, Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand, Vietnam, and Cambodia. Meanwhile, a country other than Southeast Asia is Japan. As a new insurance company, FDW wants to provide a different experience to its consumers.

This insurance company has a slogan “Celebrate living”. Celebrating living means that you must be in good health and financially secure. That is why FWD Insurance is also determined if insurance can become a source of empowerment for its owners. FDW will provide full assistance if you as a consumer are in trouble.

FWD Life Insurance Company Bermuda Limited Products

You can take a peek at some of FWD’s life insurance products below so you can find the best protection for you and your family:

1. TravelCare Insurance

Are you an adventurer who loves exploring the world? If so, you should buy travel care insurance from FWD to make your trips safer and more comfortable. In addition, travel care insurance is also recommended for those of you who frequently go abroad for business trips.

FWD Insurance provides comprehensive coverage that can ensure your comfort and safety while abroad. The coverage you will get includes accidents, flight delays, personal money, cancellations, or other emergencies.

Furthermore, the insurance company will also provide other coverage such as loss of luggage, recovery for medical emergencies, and sports activities. The coverage value provided by FWD insurance is up to $125,000. Interestingly, FWD insurance offers premiums starting at $35.

2. FWD Wellness Pass

The next product worth considering is the FWD Wellness Pass. You can use this health protection for yourself or your family members. The FWD Wellness Pass is a popular life insurance product because it is the choice of many consumers.

By purchasing the FWD Wellness Pass product, policyholders will get health service coverage with flexible policies. This insurance product can provide health insurance offered at affordable premiums.

You only need to spend about $2 per month for individual protection. Meanwhile, the monthly fee for family protection starts from $7 with the condition that the family consists of four people. 

This plan has a maximum period of up to 12 months. On the plus side, you have the opportunity to get special discounts on psychological and dental protection.

3. Saving Insurance

FWD Life Insurance Company Bermuda Limited also provides savings insurance products that you can use as protection after retirement. If you choose the RetireFun Deferred Annuity plan, you will receive a fixed income after you retire.

The amount of money that you have to pay regularly per month can be adjusted to your income. To enjoy old age in peace, you should immediately buy this protection while you are still young and productive. 

FWD insurance provides an annuity for 10-20 years. Terms and conditions for making a claim are 51 years old. Insurance companies also allow you to cash in on the policy at age 66.

4. AccidentCare Plus

Accidents are sometimes difficult to avoid even if you are very careful. To stay safe from the various risks that lurk, protect yourself with Accidentcare Plus. FWD insurance is the best and most reliable partner if you have an accident because it is ready 24 hours globally to help you.

Policyholders will get coverage such as pocket money during an accident and daily cash flow. The insurance provider will also provide 100% compensation if the policyholder dies or becomes permanently disabled due to an accident.

In addition, policyholders will also be compensated approximately $150 per week for recovery after an accident. If the policyholder is hospitalized, they have the opportunity to get compensation of up to $3000.

5. CANsurance Cancer Protection

Even though you live a healthy life, it doesn’t mean you’ll be free from the threat of serious illness such as cancer. Cancer is not only caused by an unhealthy lifestyle but also by pollution in the surrounding environment.

FWD Life Insurance Company Bermuda Limited also has CANsurance cancer protection products. If you or your family suffers from cancer, you can get treatment at a more affordable cost. Policyholders will get coverage benefits such as diagnosis, treatment, hospitalization, surgery, and cancer monitoring.

By buying CANsurance cancer protection you can provide maximum protection for your family. Furthermore, this insurance product also allows policyholders to have a longer life expectancy.

6. Glorious Fortune

Family is beyond everything so you also have to think about the welfare of family members after you die. You are very likely to do this if you buy glorious fortune insurance products from FWD.

Thus, you won’t worry about your family being neglected and they can continue their education even if you die later. The insurance company will provide the compensation 100% to the heirs.

7. Basic Plus

If you often find it difficult to save, then you can choose an excellent product from FWD insurance, which is Basic Plus. You will save through the monthly premium you pay and cannot withdraw it because it is locked savings.

It can only be withdrawn in an emergency condition based on what is stated in the contract agreement. You will also get interest from the savings. The interest you get will be adjusted to the prevailing interest rate.

Ready to Purchase FWD Life Insurance Company Bermuda Limited?

In conclusion, FWD Life Insurance Company Bermuda Limited products are the smart choice for those of you who want to enjoy the convenience of living at an affordable cost. The wide range of products allows you to find the proper one based on your needs. Let’s visit the official website and get the exclusive offer!
