Why is International Travel Insurance Needed? How to Buy It? – Breaking News

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Traveling is an enjoyable activity because you will get new, exciting experiences. If you frequently travel to some countries, then support the convenience of traveling by buying international travel insurance. Thus, the insurance will provide a sense of calm during the traveling.

Buying insurance products for traveling is certainly highly recommended because we never know what bad things might happen while abroad. In addition, you also don’t have family or acquaintances who can be ready to help you if something happens. In order to get insights about buying travel insurance products, read the article below thoroughly.

Why Should You Buy International Travel Insurance?

Below are a number of important reasons that require you to have protection while traveling:

1. Flight Delayed

Weather conditions or other factors are often the reason for a flight being delayed. You, as a passenger, will certainly be disadvantaged by the delay. Flight delays can be up to hours, allowing you to incur additional costs such as hotel stays, transportation, and even food and drink costs.

If you have travel insurance, then all the costs you incur when the flight is delayed will be covered by insurance. Typically, insurance will cover these costs if the flight delay is more than 6 hours.

2. Fallen Sick

Even if you go on a trip in good health, you may fall sick. A sudden sick while staying in a foreign country will be excruciating if you don’t have relatives or family living in the country you are visiting. In fact, it would be worse if you do not have travel insurance.

It will be difficult for you to find good health services and you must bear the expensive medical expenses yourself. In order to avoid this accident happening to you when traveling, make sure you protect yourself by buying travel insurance.

If you suddenly fall sick while abroad, you don’t need to worry anymore about medical expenses because insurance will cover it according to the premium you choose. Note that health costs are expensive and sickness can strike at any time, it is important to make careful planning before traveling.

3. Lost luggage

Not only flight delays, you may also face other obstacles at the airport such as luggage that is delayed for a long time. As a result, you also can’t use the belongings in it. In fact, in more serious cases the luggage may also be lost.

International travel insurance provides protection if you face these obstacles. During the luggage tracking process, insurance policies will cover your needs until the suitcase is found. Insurance cannot replace your lost items, but at least the insurance coverage costs won’t bother with your travel plans.

4. Financial Security

If your overseas trip is your first experience, then this will be like a jungle for you. There are many things that you don’t know about in that country, such as crime related to finance. You certainly have to consider this possibility before traveling.

You can be a victim of theft when abroad. Even though you don’t expect this to happen, still protecting yourself with travel insurance is the best option. Thus, your insurance policy will cover losses if your wallet or other valuables are stolen.

5. Trip Canceled

Even though you have planned a trip long ago and have had good preparations, the trip could be delayed. There are many factors that influence it, such as getting sick before leaving for a trip, natural disasters, accidents, and various other factors.

These obstacles can certainly cause big losses because you have already bought plane tickets and other accommodation costs. If you have previously bought international travel insurance, then you don’t need to worry if your trip is delayed. You will not lose all the costs you have spent on a trip abroad, the insurance policy will cover it.

Best Tips for Buying Travel Insurance

Among many insurance companies that offer the advantages of their respective products, you must be careful before deciding to buy one. These are some helpful tips before purchasing travel insurance.

1. Choose Insurance Products Based on Travel Needs

If you have never purchased travel insurance, you may feel a little confused about which one to choose. Therefore, don’t hesitate to ask every detail of the product offered by the insurance company. You can ask the insurance officer to explain it in order to get a clear understanding.

In addition, you can also consult the type of insurance suitable for your travel needs. Usually, the higher the risk of the trip you take, the more expensive the premium you have to pay. 

2. Compare Policy by Price

Normally, people tend to be interested in cheap premiums. Of course, this is not wrong because it allows you to save money. You need to compare the insurance policy with the coverage provided. There’s no point in preferring a cheap policy but having to pay hidden exclusion fees later on.

3. Customer Testimonials

To get a trusted international travel insurance provider, you can look for testimonials from those who have purchased the insurance company’s products. Furthermore, you can find these testimonials by visiting the insurance company’s website that you will choose.

Remember, if many of these testimonials provide positive comments, meaning the insurance provider is worthy of your choice. Conversely, if many clients provide dissatisfaction reviews, it is better to look for another insurance provider

4. Understand the Product Disclosure Statement

When you are going to buy insurance, you must pay close attention to and understand the PDS (Product Disclosure Statement) to avoid regrets in the future. Reading the PDS carefully allows you to find out what your insurance company will cover, as well as the terms of coverage. 

In addition, you can also find out what coverage does the of the insurance company would not provide. You can ask for a copy of the document describing the PDS in person or send it via email. As a result, you will find it easier to learn.

Below are some insurance companies that you may consider if you want to buy travel insurance to Europe:

  • ACA – New Travel Safe International
  • Allianz – New TravelPro
  • AXA – Travel Insurance Smart Traveler
  • Zurrich – Passport Travel Silver
  • Simas – Travel Overseas

Which International Travel Insurance Suits Your Needs?

We hope that after reading the article above, it can help you find an international travel insurance product that covers your needs more easily. Also, make sure to consider the tips provided to get appropriate insurance coverage and premiums that suit your financial condition.
