Is Risperdal and Risperidone The Same? Peruse the Light Here!

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Is Risperdal and Risperidone the same? Maybe many people are puzzled by the names of these two atypical antipsychotic drugs. Risperidone is a type of generic drug sold under the Risperdal brand, which is a type of oral medication that can be prescribed for children or adults.

Since medications have benefits and side effects, it is essential to know the ins and outs. Stick around with this discussion to obtain holistic enlightenment! In addition, this discussion will also provide legal navigation if you experience adverse health effects after consuming it.

Get to Know Closer About Risperdal

Risperdal is a medication commonly used to treat children with autism. Aside from that, psychiatrists also prescribe it for patients with bipolar mania and schizophrenia. The reason why medical professionals use risperidone for autistic, schizophrenic, and bipolar patients is because of how it affects the way the brain works.

Risperidone can release chemical neurotransmitters by disrupting communication between brain nerves. Next, the neurotransmitter will stick to the closest receptor. Since almost all psychotic illnesses are thought to be caused by abnormal communication between the brain’s nerves, Risperdal can change this condition.

Is Risperdal and risperidone the same? Absolutely yes, because Risperdal is a brand of generic risperidone manufactured by Janssen Pharmaceutical Inc. Other information about this atypical antipsychotic medication is that it received approval from the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) on December 29, 1993.

What are the Points to Ponder When Undergoing Risperdal Treatment?

Since risperidone is a drug to treat bipolar or schizophrenic patients, that means patients will take it long-term. Thus, patients should not stop taking this medicine without a doctor’s approval even if they feel better.

In order for medical care providers to estimate how long the patient will need to take Risperdal, the patient needs to communicate progress. Along the line, to reduce the risk of symptoms recurring, make sure to consume it regularly as prescribed. The reason is that if you miss doses, it will affect the treatment process.

Is Risperdal and risperidone the same? Yes, it is, so you don’t need to be confused anymore because the benefits are the same for treating psychotics.

6 Side Effects of Risperdal to Note

Since drugs are like two sides of a coin that have good benefits and negative side effects, you also have to be aware of the possible adverse health consequences. The Good RX page shares negative side effects that are prone to occur after consuming Risperdal.

1. Indigestion

Since you already found out the answer to “Is Risperdal and risperidone the same?”, you should note that consuming Risperdal has side effects, including experiencing digestive disorders, such as constipation. 

2. Dry Mouth

The next side effect of risperidone is causing dry mouth. This is because Risperdal contains acetylcholine which plays a role in saliva production. A dry mouth causes discomfort and is characterized by a chapped tongue and lips. 

3. Metabolism Changes

Patients who consume Risperdal are usually susceptible to weight gain, high cholesterol, and soaring blood sugar. This condition is due to risperidone causing the body’s metabolism to change. 

Since changes in metabolism also trigger an increase in blood sugar and cholesterol, patients undergoing Risperdal treatment are also susceptible to heart attacks or strokes.

4. Gynecomastia

You no longer need to wonder “Is Risperdal and risperidone the same?” because the prior paragraph has explained that Risperdal is a brand of the generic drug risperidone. Instead, you should learn more about its adverse effects. 

Male patients undergoing treatment with this type of atypical antipsychotic drug can experience breast growth. This breast growth in men is known as gynecomastia. Meanwhile, gynecomastia in women will cause the breasts to produce breast milk without pregnancy.

5. Movement-Related Problems

Adverse health effects that may be also experienced by patients who take risperidone in the long term are problems with movement. Extrapyramidal Symptom (EPS) is one of the lurking risks. Patients who experience EPS usually cannot sit still, have muscle spasms, and tremble.

Since both Risperdal and risperidone is the same, the severe adverse effect includes tardive dyskinesia (TD). You can recognize this condition by noticing movement on the face, especially the mouth area. Since tardive dyskinesia is a serious condition, it can end up being permanent. 

6. Neuroleptic Malignant Syndrome

Another life-threatening side effect of consuming risperidone is NMS (Neuroleptic Malignant Syndrome). Keep in mind this side effect is rare but never zero. This condition causes confusion, muscle stiffness, and high fever. The factor that triggers NMS is usually increasing the Risperdal dosage too quickly.

What Should I Do If I Get Adverse Health Effects After Taking Risperidone?

Given that this article has provided a clear explanation of “Is Risperdal and risperidone the same?”, you don’t need to doubt either of them anymore. While Risperdal or risperidone is a drug that must be consumed according to a doctor’s prescription, it is still necessary to learn about this drug’s adverse health effects. 

If the condition is due to the negligence of the medical care provider in prescribing the dosage of the drug, you can sue the medical care provider concerned. The reason is that prescribing the wrong dosage is medical malpractice. You can immediately find a personal injury lawyer to help you file a claim.

Your attorney will help collect evidence such as medical records and other supporting evidence. Along the line, the legal representative you appoint will also defend you above and beyond in order to obtain compensation for adverse health effects and justice.

Are There Any Lawsuits Against Risperdal?

Many patients have filed a gynecomastia lawsuit against Risperdal, alleging that the side effects were not disclosed and hidden. Based on the information on the Miller & Zois page, the plaintiff received a minimum compensation of $500,000.

Aside from the gynecomastia lawsuit, Risperdal, which is a product of Janssen Pharmaceutical Inc. also gets other lawsuits, such as diabetes, heart disease, stroke, and tardive dyskinesia. 

Are Explanations about “Is Risperdal and risperidone The Same” Clear? 

The explanation above has clearly answered the question “ Is Risperdal and risperidone the same”. In a nutshell, Risperdal is a risperidone brand name under Janssen, its manufacturer. 

Risperdal is a type of atypical antipsychotic drug for treating bipolar, autistic, and schizophrenic patients which has received approval from the FDA. However, this drug has adverse health effects, so it is subject to prosecution and already faced lawsuits.

The reason for the lawsuit is that Janssen hid and did not disclose these side effects. 
