SAP CRM App: Introducing, Overview, and Benefits

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One of the challenges of a rising business is the overwhelming action to take. A more optimal and efficient environment must be implemented along with developing a business. The SAP CRM app (Customer Relationship Manager Application) is made to create the best front-end experience.

What is SAP CRM App?

The SAP CRM app was initially an on-premise software that facilitates marketing, sales, and service. Now, SAP has shifted to cloud-based CRM software. The SAP CRM application is typically used for middle to big-scale companies with IT departments.

The SAP CRM app is the key component of the SAP Business Suite. Not only obtaining and managing customers’ data, but the application also can address your business’s short-term goals. It may also reduce costs and help decision-making strategies to get better customer satisfaction. 

SAP CRM has provided a mobile app, namely SAP CRM Service Manager, to make it easier to obtain and manage customer data outside the office environment.

This mobile application’s goal is to empower service technicians in the field. The SAP CRM app and SAP CRM Service Manager can be integrated to optimize status updates, last-minute changes, and accurate data capturing to help your field technicians with real-time information.

The mobile app completes the end-to-end solution to customer service, personalized engagement method, deeper customer insight, and better optimization to take a leading step from the competition.

The SAP CRM is part of SAP ERP (Enterprises Resource Planning) and is used to execute customized business processes regarding customer relationship management. It includes tools for sales, marketing, and customer service to streamline processes and improve customer interactions and satisfaction. 

The SAP CRM app already features a myriad of features consisting of sub-modules and modules. But the application can also be integrated with a selection of non-SAP modules. 

SAP CRM Features and Functions

The SAP CRM app includes many features and functions inside 6 modules.  Here are the key modules with and sub-modules for customer relationship management.

1. Sales

The SAP CRM app Sales module offers several functions, such as:

  • Sales Forecasting Management
  • Sales Lead Management
  • Opportunity Management
  • Account and Contact Management
  • Activity Management
  • Territory Management
  • Contract Management and Creation
  • Partner Management
  • Quotes and Proposals
  • Sales Process Management
  • Project and Team Management
  • Internet Sales

2. Marketing

In the marketing module, you can also automate some functions. The Marketing module consists of:

  • Lead and List Management
  • Marketing and Resource Management
  • Campaign Planning
  • Campaign Execution and Management
  • Collateral and Brand Management

3. Customer Service and Support

This module mainly focused on customers’ needs. The modules are:

  • Creating New Cases
  • Assigning Cases
  • Escalating Unresolved Cases
  • Solving and Closing Cases
  • Creating and Maintaining a Solution’s Knowledge
  • Customer Self-service Portal

4. Analytics

The Analytics module consists of:

  • Analytics
  • Reporting
  • Dashboard 

5. Extended CRM

This module prioritizes the action in customer relationships and internal communication, including:

  • Email Response Management
  • Document Management
  • Internalization
  • Industry Vertical Module Availability

6. Product Technology

This module focused on the development and security of the modules, including:

  • Technical Architecture
  • Platforms
  • Server Administration
  • Security
  • Cloud, SaaS, and Hosting Options

Benefits of Using the SAP CRM App

Some benefits of using the software include seamless navigation between sections, faster decision-making, reduced costs, better productivity and efficiency, and security of valuable data. Below is the explanation you can learn:

1. Seamless Navigation

Using the SAP CRM app and SAP Service Manager simultaneously can create a seamlessly personalized response to customers’ needs. Your history of a specific individual’s preference can further elevate your service. That ultimately generates loyal customers. 

With the integrated modules, you can navigate between sections to improve your business, from collecting customers’ responses and creating new business ideas to finalizing better sales and marketing. This seamless navigation can between the front and back end of the business is the key to a smooth sailing of a company

2. Decision Making

The app has an analytic and reporting module, which can give you better-visualized data to make an ideal decision faster. You can decide what product or service the customers want, a better financial expenditure, or better action towards your employee. This can ultimately assist your company to grow. 

In the long run, the Sales Lead and Customers Insight module keeps your business relevant. Using these tools, you can innovate or create opportunities to be the leading company.

3. Reduce Costs

Utilizing the SAP CRM app means that your business is increasing. The bigger your company is, the more accountability to take. The app can facilitate this growth because of the cloud-based environment it is in. 

Using only one software, you can reduce the cost of your business scalability. In addition, the mobile app can also spread the reach of your service.

4. Productivity and Efficiency

Some of the modules feature automation, such as customer self-service and portals. This can eliminate human intervention in a frequently asked matter and allocate human resources to more complex activities. 

Not only that, more caring such issues as follow-up e-mails can also be programmed to automation, which can create a sense of attention to customers without the need for human action.

Moreover, this software lets your manager make centralized updates in every department. Also, these new updates can instantly spread to all aspects involved.

5. Security

To eliminate any security risks, this software can assign and limit your employee to only the necessary access. Growing companies need this feature. After security measures for internal risk, this software also applied protection against external danger.

The newly updated version of the SAP CRM app always updates protection against hackers and potential cybercrime. Therefore, using cloud-based storage data can add more security to your valuable data.

Do You Understand about SAP CRM App?

As explained above, the SAP CRM app is a robust customer relation software with end-to-end scope. This software is compatible to handle any middle or large-sized business. To complement this software, your implementation, training, the quality of the team, and their knowledge of the company should be considered.

For more information, the latest SAP CRM version is the SAP CRM 7.0 (2008) released in 2009 as part of SAP Business Suite 7.0. Thus, ensure you subscribe to the correct plan to benefit from its features. Are you ready to increase your business sale by getting closer to your customers?
