7 Signs Mirena IUD Strings Poking: Users Must Know!  

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4 min read

Mirena IUD is one of the IUDs that are mostly used by women. The device is supposed to be placed inside your uterus and block the sperm’s way to meet the egg. Nonetheless, there is a possibility that Mirena IUD strings poking inside and being displaced.

The symptoms of this situation might be painful. What you can do to prevent the pain when the IUD string malfunctions? Read this article to find the answer to how to treat your Mirena IUD!

The Use of Mirena IUD Strings

Mirena IUD is a hormonal birth control device made in a T-shape with two strings in its structure. The strings would hang into a vaginal canal from the cervix. Those two strings are made of iron oxide and polyethylene that are attached to the bottom of the frame. 

The use of Mirena IUD strings mainly is to be the tool that gets pulled out by medical professionals. Medical professionals most of the time use Mirena strings to pull it out when the expiration date comes. Additionally, it is also useful for you when you are about to check the current position of your IUD inside the uterus.

Signs of Mirena IUD Strings Poking dan Displaced

Further, particular symptoms become signs of your IUD strings poking inside your uterus. These situations could be severe over time and give you a sign to call your medical professional. How can you know that your Mirena IUD strings moved? Find the answer below!

1. Unable to Feel the IUD Strings 

A hormonal birth control device is placed in the uterus. In this position, you can check the current position of your Mirena IUD inside the uterus. However, when you can’t feel the strings inside, there is a possibility that your IUD has moved up the uterus. 

2. Shortened Strings

The IUD’s strings have different lengths and sizes. Some devices have longer or shorter strings. For instance, Mirena IUD strings are longer than other devices, so you need to make them shorter. Cut several inches to shorten the strings, but you have to make sure that you can feel them while you check the position.

3. Mirena IUD Strings Poking

When you can feel the strings inside your uterus, it means your IUD is placed in the right spot. Yet, if you can feel the plastic of the frame poke outside, it must be your IUD has shifted out.

4. Your Partner Can Feel the Device

This situation could occur during your sex activity with your partner. If they can feel the Mirena IUD strings poking inside the uterus, it must be the device is placed right in the uterus. Nevertheless, if your partner can feel something hard in your uterus, it should be the IUD’s frame moved around from the original place.

5. Severe Pains

When you have pains, especially in the abdominal area become severe and persist, it must be a sign of your IUD moves. The move of birth control devices will cause pain and it could be severe. If you have to endure this kind of pain, you must be anticipated and call your medical professional.

6. Abnormal Bleeding

Spotting and bleeding are common side effects after the insertion of the IUD. This side effect can be severe followed by uterine perforation. Nonetheless, when you have experienced extreme bleeding, you should check your current IUD’s position. It may be a sign that your Mirena IUD strings poking and moved into the wrong spot.

7. Severe Symptoms

Moreover, when you have to experience cramping, abnormal discharge, and a fever that becomes severe, it must be a concern. These signs refer to the current IUD’s position that has been moved inside your uterus. If you remain unaware of these symptoms, all symptoms could cause a harsh infection. 

Common Issues Cause the Mirena IUD Strings Poking

When you feel something strange over your IUD inside the uterus, it can be moved and displaced. Several reasons can cause your IUD’s strings to disappear from the right spot it is supposed to be. Read this section to discover the major reasons cause your IUD’s strings disappeared!

1. IUD Strings Have Moved

Is there any possibility that the IUD strings are also can be moved? Yes, there is. The IUD’s strings will be gone and be drawn back into the uterus and cervical canal. If you want to bring the IUD strings back to the normal spot, you need to call a medical professional.

2. Mirena IUD Expulsion

Further, if your Mirena IUD strings poking out from the uterus, it might be caused by IUD expulsion inside the uterus. The device becomes parted by the right spot it is supposed to be there and will raise the possibility of pregnancy. This situation makes the device not work properly to prevent pregnancy. 

3. Pregnancy and Uterine Perforation

Pregnancy can be a minor reason for the IUD strings are depart within your uterus. The strings will move around and fail to protect the sperm’s way to fertilize the egg. 

In addition, uterine perforation becomes another rare reason to cause the IUD strings to drop out of sight. The current condition of the perforated uterus will make a change of the device inside.

What Can You Do to Anticipate Mirena IUD Strings Poking?

Furthermore, to anticipate the birth control device such as Mirena being removed from the original spot, you can do regular checks for your IUD. Follow the steps below to make sure that your current IUD inside the uterus is in the right place!

  • Thoroughly and cleanly wash your hands.
  • Find the most comfortable position whether to squat or sit down.
  • Check inside your vagina use your index and middle fingers.
  • Make sure you can feel the Mirena IUD strings and the frame does not move around the uterus.

Have You Experienced the Mirena IUD Strings Poking?

By using an IUD to prevent pregnancy, women think it would effectively work. However, you should be aware of several situations that can be signs of your current position of Mirena IUD. You may be to endure extreme cramps and bleeding when your IUD is malfunctioned.

Therefore, you should regularly check whether your Mirena IUD strings poking outside the uterus and fail to do their job. It is easy and necessary for you to regularly check the condition of your IUD, but not to pull it out by yourself. You should call a medical professional to help you make sure the current condition of your IUD!
