The Guys Reveal Experiences How Can Men Feel IUD: Is It True?

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4 min read

The types of IUD especially a hormonal IUD shaped in a T-shape and has a hard frame with strings are more likely to be concerning. So, can men feel IUD during sex? This kind of question become a concern for some partners. However, this concern is reasonable since the device is placed right in the uterus wall. 

Do you want to know how this situation could occur? Find a legible answer through this article!

Facts About IUDs that Men Should Know

First thing first, as a man who will accompany your partner, you should know about what device your partner uses. It is a birth control device or IUD that is placed high up in the uterus. Do you want to know more about this device? Follow this section and read thoroughly to get more pieces of information!

1. What are the Types of IUDs?

Necessary information for men is that IUDs have two types. First is a hormonal IUD which contains hormone progesterone lower than other devices. This type of device will release low doses of the hormone into the body and lining of the uterus. Can men feel IUD if it fills the uterus? Well, it is possible in certain conditions.

This device will block the sperm from meeting the egg. Progesterone will thicken the cervical mucus to make the sperm hardly move through the cervix. This hormone will also constrain the egg from ovulation and prevent pregnancy in certain circumstances such as the IUD must work properly.

Secondly, the copper IUD is quite different than the hormonal IUD. This type of IUD has zero hormones within its ingredients. This device works to prevent the sperm from reaching the egg. Copper IUD is also shaped in a T-shape with base copper wiring. The ion within copper inhibits sperm’s movement with natural spermicide.

Even though both IUD types are similar to each other based on their shape and function, they have different uses period. You can use a copper IUD for longer than hormonal devices. 

2. Can Men Feel IUD Position During Sex?

You are rarely to physically knock out any birth control devices during sex. The device is supposed to be placed high up in the wall of the uterus. In this case, you cannot reach it during sex. If you have ever been concerned that can men feel IUD since it is placed right on the vagina, worry not! 

Regardless, when the IUD is wrongly placed on a certain spot it raises the possibility of getting touched. The wrongful insertion is a major reason the IUD usually moves around the uterus. You might feel the IUD’s strings past the cervix and it is a normal issue. 

3. The Side Effects of IUD

Can men feel IUD side effects through their partner’s mood? Probably, yes. Typically, a Hormonal IUD can cause mood changes in certain conditions. Depression, low libido, feelings of sadness, low mood, and anger are kinds of mood changes and side effects of hormonal IUDs.

Additionally, a hormonal IUD will cause breast tenderness and weight gain after a few months of IUD insertion. Unlike hormonal IUDs, copper IUDs cannot cause any specific mood changes as its side effects. 

4. IUD Affects Menstrual Cycle

It is only a common side effect of an IUD to change your partner’s menstrual cycle to an irregular period. Bleeding and spotting are also likely to occur a few months after the insertion of a hormonal IUD. 

Additionally, the use of a copper IUD will cause cramping and the bleeding symptom could be heavier than hormonal IUD. Those side effects will be settled after a few months of insertion. Yet, it is still necessary for you to make sure of your partner’s condition if she feels the symptoms become severe.

5. Can Men Feel IUD Failed to Prevent Pregnancy?

Furthermore, you should know there are certain circumstances in which IUDs could fail to prevent pregnancy. If you can feel something strange inside your partner’s uterus when have sex, this is your spoiler. This condition could be a sign that the IUD has been shifted out of place. 

When the IUD has moved around, it raises the possibility of getting pregnant, especially Ectopic pregnancy. Ectopic pregnancy occurs when the sperm fertilizes the egg outside the uterus. 

Can Men Feel IUD?

Although it is probably impossible for men to feel the IUD that is used by their partner even during sex. However, some guys have shared their experiences to review what if you might touch the IUD inside. 

Some guys have experienced touching IUDs inside their partner’s body. It can notify you how far you go since it is placed deeper in the uterus. You must be thinking it is strange, but if you get used to it, it would be feel normal. However, if you got bumped into it too many times, it would be odds.

Additionally, when you are rushed to push your penis, it must be poking an IUD inside. It feels a bit painful, especially when the IUD strings are shortened. Then, can men feel IUD is painful to get bumped into if it has long strings? It is better to not cut the strings too short as they will get softened over time. 

The shorter strings will make you closer to its frame which is built hard. It could be the cause you can feel pain when you touch an IUD. On the other hand, longer strings will cover the frame at the beginning of its shape. The hard frame could be less noticeable.

What’s more, birth control programs for women are typically varied. There is a birth control device planted on the arm called an implant. If your partner has an implant on their arm, you will not experience bumps into an IUD. 

Can Men Feel IUD and Is It Normal?

An IUD is used by women placed deep down in the wall of the uterus. It such as far away to get through this spot during sex. Regardless, of your size and particular circumstances examine how it feels when you bump into an IUD. If you ever concerned about can men feel IUD during sex? It is possible. 

You could endure a painful experience when eventually bumping into an IUD since the frame of it has hard material. In addition, if you accidentally bump into an IUD and feel strange, it could cause painful side effects to your partner. You and your partner have to keep aware of IUD’s effects and regularly have a medical check-up!
