Risperdal Lawsuit for Females: Must They File Cases?

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Risperdal lawsuit for females is an appeal sent to the manufacturers of a particular medicine. As a result of the potentially harmful consequences that they experienced in the process of using medications, they chose to file a lawsuit. Also, the medication may help people overcome their illnesses. 

Do you want to dig deeper? Everything is going to be explained in this article. Read below!

The Explanation of Risperdal Drugs

Risperdal is a drug manufactured by Johnson & Johnson. This drug is a famous brand name for the antipsychotic medication Risperidone, which has existed in prescription since the 1990s. Risperidone is a member of atypical antipsychotics for the treatment of a wide variety of mental health problems and certain moods.

To put it simply, it assists in recovering an optimal balance of certain brain chemicals. Bipolar illness, Schizophrenia, irritability, and other mental illnesses are some examples of conditions that fall within that group. Also, it can be consumed by adults and adolescents at least 13 years old for both males and females. 

According to the research findings, Risperdal medications are highly useful and excellent even when used in large doses. On the other hand, there are other reasons why a great number of women continue to take this medication until they ultimately file a Risperdal lawsuit for females.

The Reason Why So Many Women Consume Risperdal

Drugs such as Risperdal have been used for a long time in patients who have mental health conditions. As a result, this demonstrates that this medication is quite successful in therapy. In turn, a large number of people, particularly women, choose to use this medication as their treatment of choice. 

Below are some of the applications of Risperdal medicines that are the reasons why women choose to take them, including:

  • People who have Schizophrenia.
  • People who experiencing acute manic or mixed episodes of bipolar I as a monotherapy treatment.
  • Those who suffer from severe manic Lithium or valproate may help with bipolar I problems or other mixed episodes. Also, it can be used with adults and those who experience irritation due to autism.
  • Bipolar illness
  • Lesch-Nyhan syndrome
  • Trichotillomania
  • Stuttering
  • Trouble with movement
  • Depression
  • Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)
  • Injury to the brain
  • Pedophilia
  • Delirium
  • Tourette
  • Issues with child development
  • Addressing agitation and aggressiveness in people with dementia
  • As a mood stabilizer for nonpsychotic unipolar depression
  • To alleviate social damage
  • Stereotyped habits
  • Cognitive issues
  • Hyperactivity in people with autism

The medicine will then have an effect by restoring a balance to the brain’s serotonin and dopamine levels. So, the substances that aid in regulating mood, behavior, and cognition are used in this procedure. However, there are several variations in the usage of Risperidone that the FDA has not accepted.

Despite the drug’s harmful side effects, which prompt some women to seek legal recourse via the Risperdal Lawsuit for females, many continue to use it.

Higher Risks Involved with Risperdal Use in Women

Medication, particularly with unknown components, has the inherent risk of adverse reactions. Although Risperdal side effects are uncommon, they pose a serious risk to a person’s life if used improperly. Also, as a result of physicians failing to adequately monitor their patients, the Risperdal lawsuit for females has emerged.

Using Antipsychotics and Risperidone medications increases the danger for women, according to research. As an example, consider the following adverse outcomes.

1. Cancer for Women

Taking antipsychotics raised the incidence of colon cancer by 308% based on a study of people with Schizophrenia. On the contrary, whether compared to women with bipolar illness or people in general, the risk of breast cancer in women with Schizophrenia is only marginally higher. 

Concerning cancers, endometrial and cancers of the colon are among the most common in postmenopausal women.

2. Rise in Prolactin Levels

Antipsychotic medications inhibit anterior pituitary gland lactotrophs by blocking their type 2 (D2) dopamine receptors. The next step is to unblock these cells from dopamine, leading to a prolactin secretion surge. 

Regardless of gender, many people experience this impact. However, symptoms are more common in women since they begin with greater levels. For instance, issues with various female organs, urethral and vaginal mucosal atrophy, and sexual dysfunction are all examples.

3. Gaining on Weight

Antipsychotics’ ability to make women gain weight and the health problems that come with it are the biggest concerns for them. Several psychiatric drugs, including antidepressants, mood stabilizers, and antipsychotics, have the potential to cause weight gain. 

Approximately 30% of people acquire fat while using antipsychotic medication, and the rate might reach 80% depending on the substance. Pregnancy complications and problems related to the mother’s weight are additional risks for the unborn child.

There are further adverse effects, for instance, gynecomastia, an abnormal increase in breast size, Tardive Dyskinesia, stroke, irregular menstruation, and other major health issues. Recognizing this, many women filed the Risperdal lawsuit for females for the company’s accountability.

Reasons Why a Risperdal Lawsuit for Females Should Ought

The proposed Risperdal lawsuit for females is based on the threat of adverse side effects to health. Commonly, plaintiffs claim that Johnson & Johnson should have warned of a certain health danger. Many of the same lawsuits were brought by males as well as women.

Another factor contributing to the high demand is the possibility of lactation in women who are not nursing or pregnant, as well as those who are not of reproductive age. Afterward, females can grow breast tissue at a younger age, and this condition may last a lifetime.

Consequently, there were demands that J&J should be held liable for side effects’ financial and psychological consequences in places where a lot of people, especially kids and teens, go through traumatic experiences.

Would Women Benefit by Suing Risperdal by J&J?

Yes. Simply put, women will obtain financial restitution for their suffering. Naturally, women will receive compensation after filing the Risperdal lawsuit for females, with the assistance of an attorney—for example, the case of a lady who suffered from Tardive Dyskinesia. 

As a result of her usage of the antipsychotic Risperdal, she filed the case. A Philadelphia jury awarded her $6.7 million in one of the first claims of Risperdal consequences. Now is the moment to sue Risperdal and collect the compensation you deserve if you are one of the women who have experienced its adverse effects.
